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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Howto pause bash loop execution and wait for any key


Howto pause bash loop execution and wait for any key (like ENTER for example) from user when running the script.
root@mongo2:~/tmp.loop# find -name '.bash*' | while read myfile; do echo "my variable is $myfile"; done
my variable is ./.bashrc
my variable is ./.bashrc_rado
my variable is ./.bash_history
my variable is ./.bash_tmp

Solution description and demonstration

We can use the standard 'read' bash built-in function (man bash). The problem is that it reads by default from the standard in (stdin, file descriptor 0).

We can use file redirection feature in bash to workaround this. Instead of reading from the stdin we can instruct the read to read from a different descriptor.
$echo -n 'ello' | ( read a; read -u1 b ; echo "1st read : - $a -"; echo "2th read : = $b =" )
1st read : - ello -
2th read : = test =

Unsuccessful version 1 showing the problem (read consumes our file names):
root@mongo2:~/tmp.loop# find -name '.bash*' | while read myfile; do echo "my variable is $myfile"; read ; done
my variable is ./.bashrc
my variable is ./.bash_history

Final solution (we press ENTER every time it pauses):
root@mongo2:~/tmp.loop# find -name '.bash*' | while read myfile; do echo "my variable is $myfile"; read -u1 ; done                     23:48
my variable is ./.bashrc

my variable is ./.bashrc_rado

my variable is ./.bash_history

my variable is ./.bash_tmp


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